Xerox Colorqube 9301, Colorqube 9302 and Colorqube 9303 Benefit

Multi Tier Billing Saves You Money!

If you are here in Houston and in the copier market, it may surprise you to know that for many customers a copier that costs $20,000 can actually save them a lot of money due to the multi-tier billing meters.  On a standard color copier, a color copy is a color copy.  This can be the little blue Email address to a full page flyer.  There is not cost differentiation between the two color copies.

With the Xerox Colorqube 9301, Colorqube 9302 and Colorqube 9303, there is a 3 tier color billing plan that makes it so that if you print that email with the tiny blue link, you pay for a black and white page and not a color print.  For some of our customers, this reduces the normal monthly color totals down by thousands of prints per month.  Taking the $.07 differential, this alone can pay for the more expensive machine.

Give us a call to get a quote on a Xerox Colorqube copier in Houston!