WorkCentre and VOIP Fax = Not Fun

If you are a company that has a VOIP fax system, you will find that the WorkCentre series of copiers by Xerox, though often capable of being compatible, can cause plenty of consternation when it applies to the installation of the copier.  Fax is generally the easiest part of a copier to set up.  Now it is one of the harder pieces to get a handle on.  The few tips we’d give for people looking to set up their new copier to a VOIP Fax system are these…

  • Turn off Error Correction (ECM)
  • Keep the baud rate at 9600 rather than the default 33,600 rate

If you are looking for a copier in Houston, we hope that you will go ahead and give us a call.  We can help you find the lowest total cost of ownership option for your company’s needs!