When Scan to Network Should be Document Management

If you have a Houston company and youn find that a lot of your staff spends a ton of time looking for old files and going to the filing cabinets often, it may be time to consider a document management system rather than a simple scan to Network solution for your Houston Copier.   Document management is to an office what Google is to the internet.  Basically, a document management system will help you find documents quickly and accurately.  You don’t want to have to look around scan folders with weird file extensions if you are doing thousands of scans a month.  You want to make sure you can find the files again.  When you buy a copier in Houston, it is crucial to understand if the copier is going to simply scan to a network share or if you need something slightly more complicated from your copier, a document management system.

Give us a call for a copier of for document management in Houston!