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Should you take the Free Printer Offered by a Vendor?

You have been offered a free copier by a vendor in Houston, do you take it or not? Well, it all depends with the conditions attached to the offer and whether it is cost-effective or not.

The Conditions

Most vendors require you to buy toner from them for 2 years or more. This is an agreement you need fulfil.

Is it Cost Effective?

You need to understand whether the deal will save you cash or it will be costly. To do this, you need to first check the buying price of the copier and compare it with what you are being offered before you make a decision.

Other costs come in form of maintenance of the free copier. Make a total cost of ownership comparison between the copier and the most cost-effective copier you have. Most free copiers are often twice as expensive when it comes to maintenance than the one that you have paid for.

When it comes to free stuff, you need to be careful. If you take a copier and commit yourself to buy toner for 3 years, you might end up spending more than if you had bought one.