Need An MFP That Can Handle It All? The Xerox WorkCentre 6400 Could Be Your Best Choice For A Houston Copier

There aren’t many machines at lower price points that can handle the print load of a large machine while fitting quietly in the corner of the office. With sleek design and performance as its major selling point, the WorkCentre 6400 is a machine to be reckoned with! If you want to copy, fax, scan, print, or color scan all while being able to walk up and print around other big jobs, the WorkCentre 6400 is for you if you’re looking to purchase a quality Houston copier.

Starting around $3699, it’s one of the most affordable employees you’ll ever have! And it takes orders and delivers on its promises well! Now, it’s not a huge copier, but if you want it to be you can add some trays and have it hold 1600 pages and automatically print two sided for saving trees and your wallet! That’s 3200 pages of printing without adding a sheet of paper!

For a Houston copier that can handle it all, the WorkCentre 6400 should be your first stop in your search. With the ability to meet the needs of your growing business, or fit nicely into your current printing environment, you can trust the WorkCentre 6400 to get the job done and exceed your Houston copier expectations.