Maintenance Contract Tips

Get the edge in Houston, know your maintenance contracts

If you have done very much with copiers, then you are surely familiar with maintenance contracts. I believe that knowledge is power, so I put together this breakdown of the common ones being used in Houston.

  • Cost Per Print – everything is worked into the price per print. If you like a straightforward and predictable contract, this is for you. It’s also good for those who like tell toner sales reps “Sorry, everything is covered by our contract.”
  • Toner out – this covers maintenance only and you handle the toner separately. This is common for small printers, the business can pay for the maintenance once at the beginning of the year and it doesn’t change by how much you print.
  •  Maintenance included – the toner is purchased at an inflated price, but the maintenance is wrapped into the cost. This is good because you don’t have a big up front cost. It can be a drawback because your supplier will probably try to load you up with a ton of expensive toner to keep you from going to a competitor. (They make their money back on this when you buy from them, not from their competitor.)

Are you trying to find the best maintenance contract for your situation? Give us a call, we’d a love to help.