Lease Your Copier Like a Pro!

printer-790396_640Before you go to lease a copier for the office, you should understand it a little. A lot of business owners have no idea what to expect from leasing, and that is when they get into trouble. Our company can prepare you by helping you to navigate through a series of preparatory steps and readying you for the lease. The first step to leasing a copier like a pro is understanding the process. You should know the output requirements and know what your office will need.

Be prepared to tell the company how much you plan to print and the materials and colors that will be used on a daily basis. After you have discussed everything with your dealer, always be sure that you get it in writing. Request a contract for the proposal and have it read by someone who understands these types of contracts. That will save you a lot of heartache down the road. When you examine your workflow, you can identify the areas where having extra features will help. However, avoid the “nice-to-have” extra features because they will simply add to your bill.