Instruct Your New Employees on Copiers for Greater Efficiency

With summer approaching fast, you will likely find an office full of fresh interns who want to help and receive valuable job experience. While college students might take on odd jobs across the office, you should give them training concerning your copier because inexperienced employees can bring your office equipment to a screeching halt.

Have you placed your interns in charge of the copier machines? First, you should make sure that they understand how to address issues such as tray reloading, paper jams and toner cartridge changes. We live in a modern world where copiers have become extraordinarily precise, and if your new intern incorrectly inserted a toner cartridge or they cleared a paper jam incorrectly, it could take several hours or days to repair the damage. Not to mention, you would have to pay for a repair technician and the new part.

With the right training and guidance, you can prevent long-lasting issues and keep the office running smoothly. After your interns return to college, you do not want a lasting copier problem. In addition, you should instruct your new interns on the responsible usage of paper and toner because it will reduce your overall expenses. You have to make your new employees understand the importance of maintaining the office equipment to prevent expensive problems related to it.