How to Simplify the Work of Buying a Copier

Buying a copier is not a lot of fun. The entire process feels like it’s grossly complicated by design. However, there is a way to break the copier buying process down to make it as painless and straightforward as possible.

When buying a copier, keep these buying secrets in mind to weed out the confusion and save as much money as possible.

S – Survey Other People

Look around at what people are doing and how they’re going about it. You want to know what people are currently doing to assess your copier needs accurately. Follow this step before your copier rep starts telling you what they think you need.

A – Assess Organizational Needs

Once you see and understand what people are doing, you can accurately assess your organization’s needs.

For example, if everyone prints color, why are they doing it? Are they printing essential documents that require color, or are they printing something you don’t need, like internet maps? Decide which items (color, scans, finishing) are worth the cost to your business.

L – Leverage Your Provider

Leverage your current copier provider with the knowledge that you’re getting more than their quote. Make it a point to itemize your quotes, so you know why you’re paying the price you’re paying.

Ask questions. Make them spell everything out for you about what they’re going to do and what happens if they don’t get that done.

T – Try and Buy the Copier

Don’t drag the process on forever. You’ll need to pull out your credit card and sign on the dotted line eventually.

Keep the Process Simple and Get the Best Deal for Your Company.

If you use this process to evaluate and purchase your next copier, you will make your copier buying experience much smoother and much more satisfactory. You’ll get a much better deal than if you let an unscrupulous copier rep tell you what you need. Take what will work for you, not only what will work for your copier rep’s commission check.