Go Green with Your Houston Copier

Going “green” in Houston has become synonymous with saving the environment and cash nowadays. Experts and laymen alike understand this concept and will now assess the capability of your company by how green you can go. When it comes to your copier, there are various ways you can practice this concept, and save money in the process.

Use the Most Energy Efficient Copier

Take time and identify the most energy efficient copier in your organization. This reduces the cost per copy as well as the toner used. This saves you energy, toner, cash as well as reducing dangerous emissions.

Practice Duplex Copying

If you have information that is just for storage purposes, then you can practice duplex copying, whereby you copy information on both sides of a page. This will save on the papers used.

Use Compatible Cartridges, whenever you Can

OEM cartridges use petroleum-based toner to transfer information to a page. Using compatible cartridges eliminates this aspect, saving on pounds of petroleum-based toner and saving you up to 40 percent of the cost of copying.

The best news is that these practices don’t require you to invest cash before you can fulfil them.