Document Management in Houston

Copiers in Houston: Document Management

Not all document management systems are alike. Ensuring that your business is using is an effective and secure document management system, or DMS, is more important than you might think. At first glance, DMS systems mainly involve storing and retrieving images of your company’s documents. However, there is a little more to it than that.

Compliance issues are generally more critical at larger companies than small organizations. At large firms, any serious breach in the company’s internal controls could potentially trigger an audit. An effective DMS allows for security measures in order to prevent employees or non-authorized persons from gaining access to sensitive data.

A DMS system can be made up of:

• Content management
• Enterprise content management, or ECM
• History tracking capabilities
• Digital asset and records management
• Document archiving
• Workflow management

When documents are stored in the repository, they are indexed for later retrieval. Because we use the most current technology available for DMS, we can enable tools for collaboration, security, auditing and easy workflow. Every company has a slightly different structure, so accommodating specialized business requirements is imperative. This allows for a lot of flexibility when setting up your document management system.

Give us a call if you are looking for document management in Houston!