Copier Maintenance Tips

Tips for copier Maintenance in Houston

Like any advance piece of machinery, a copier needs to be well maintained. Poor maintenance can lower the lifespan of any machine considerably. Even Houston copiers has moving parts that wear down over time. There are a few tips that can help keep these machines up and running for a long time.

Cheap paper should never be used. Don’t be sucked in with sales and saving money, cheap paper can ruin a copier. Poorly produced paper leaves behind residue that can gum up the works of any copier. Pay a few cents more and add live to the machine.

Buy a good surge protector. Hooking a new copier up directly to the wall isn’t a good idea. An electrical surge can happen at any time because bad weather or electrical burnouts. Buy a surge protector that is rated for 1200 Joules or higher.

The copier needs to be powered off before anyone works on the machine. This will keep part from snagging human appendages or clothing. The copier should also be unplugged to help protect against any type of electrical surges during copier repair.

Vacuum and wipe down the copier parts on a regular basis. This will help keep dust and residue from building up.

If you don’t feel comfortable maintaining the copier yourself? We help the Houston area. Give us a call.